• Cary posted an update in the group Show logoReadings With Cary 7 years, 10 months ago

    Channel with Elija and Cary for July 2016

    Here is the link to July 2016’s channeled message. Enjoy it! 🙂Channel with Elija and Cary for July 2016 |This month we are asked to connect more with Spirit, God, the Universe, the Divine, your higher presence to whom you connect to for guidance and strength.  Support those who need healing and make a safe space for them to heal, no expectations put upon them.  Allow them to connect to us through you and receive any healing they may need at that time.  The world is in dire need of healing at this time, and as people awaken, they may need a friend and a soft space to be while they heal.  Create that space for them, be that friend, and teach them how to create their own sacred space where they can connect to us and heal.  It need not take a lot of time to connect to us, but rather quality over quantity. Let us remind you of happy and peaceful times so that you may connect to us easier next time. We honour you.  Please honour your time with us, and come back and spend time with us.  We are here, whenever and wherever you may be ready.  We love you and honour you. Thank you for spending this