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Welcome! Join us every Saturday Night at 8:00 PM EST for 90 minutes of chat and laughter, featuring Reverend Raven and Tammy Lucente. Reverend Raven is a messenger between the higher self and the sub consciousness of oneself. She brings light into a dark situation. From a young age she has had contact beyond the realm of earth with higher spirit and brought forth a loving, truthful message when someone was basking in the darkness. She has encouraged change not only for an inward introspection of one’s self but for the planet as well. She brings a light to people to face their fears and to radiate from a loving space. Tammy Lucente is a high vibration-al light being that is here to teach us all how to elevate our on vibrations that we emit daily. Tammy has practice law of attraction and is a psychic being for over twenty years.
Together these two souls with many guest speakers strive to help you to raise your vibrations and to keep them up at all times.
Our special guests that we have on the show have gifts ranging from:

Life Coaches
Health Experts
Law of Attraction Specialists

Thank you for listening and much prosperity to you. {{{Hugs}}} ♥

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